Pinkie "Paws" Peeker, Ace Reporter

Pinkie "Paws" Peeker, Ace Reporter
Curious Character

Dear Tabby

Dear Readers,

I am on vacation for the holidays and will return with new responses next week. Warmest wishes to you and yours for a wonderful Holiday and Happy New Year.   In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the following response from one of our subscribers:

Yours Very Truly,

Tabby Tattler

Seasons Greeting Dear Tabby,

      I am a beautiful, rare, pure white cat with one blue and one hazel eye and have been the center of attention for some time now.  I have a favorite spot on my Master’s bed that I love to nap on all day while she is away.  Her bed smells of fresh roses and herbs and is very soft and fluffy.

        Unfortunately, my sister Tabitha, who is a mackerel tabby, has twisted her hind paw (or so she says), and is now occupying the entire bed! My master is spoiling her with a subscription to Cat Fancy, cat games and toys, and she gets catnip and cod-flavored water in bed!
       Moreover, all of my Master’s friends have signed Tabitha’s cast and are giving her loads of attention and presents.  Here it is Holiday Season, and my Master has been so busy playing nursemaid to Tabitha, that she has forgotten I exist!

      This morning, I saw Tabitha take off her cast and jump off the bed. She did not seem to be in any pain whatsoever, and when she saw me, she quickly put back on her cast and started to wail in pain.  I think she is faking and should immediately tell my master. What do you think?

Signed, Snowy

Dear Snowy,

You sound like a lovely kitty. I am sorry to hear about your sister. However, no one likes a tattle-tale.  First of all, your Master may not believe you if your sister denies it, especially if she was previously diagnosed by the veterinarian.

And if your master does believe you, your sister may resent you.  Sisters have a very special relationship with one another and should keep each other’s secrets.   Especially in this case, where maybe Tabitha has wanted some attention from your Master and this was the only way to get it, which is sad.

So, have sympathy for Tabitha and let her have her white lies unless you feel she is really abusing the privilege.  The other thing is that she knows you know and if you don’t expose her, she won’t expose you when you may be in a similar situation.

Happy Holidays,

Tabby Tattler

If you need advice regarding your cat or cats, please send us an email addressed to:, and our advice columnist, Tabby Tattle will post answers, right here on Tabby Tribune!

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Blue, Social Network Developer

Blue, Social Network Developer
Everything begins and ends with a cat nap