Pinkie "Paws" Peeker, Ace Reporter

Pinkie "Paws" Peeker, Ace Reporter
Curious Character

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Tabloid Tabby: Humans are a Strange Breed:Finale

       In that single moment, dead silence engulfs us, swiftly superseded by relentless rustling, resonating through the house, reverberating in our souls.  As cats, we can see in the dark, but we were afraid of bad weather and this was no run-of-the-mill, ordinary storm.  Blue shakily plants himself between Pinkie and I as we three curl up together in the lavishly ample cushion at the cozy window seat to listen for our Masters, the Huns.  
       Various household products are being advertised from the radio, which give us some feeling of normalcy, but then in the middle of the commercial, we hear a song: “Groovy Kind of Love” from the scratchy, battery operated radio, melting all of our hearts, making us feel oh, so soothed and loved. Dear Reader, take a listen while you continue reading, so you can share the moment with us: “When I’m feeling blue, all I have to do is think of you, then I am not so blue…” 

          Instinctively, our ears perk up as we hear a faint, yet undeniable sound on the air. Keys turning in the locks tug at our attention, turning us to the front door.   The door springs open and standing there are the Huns!  They both rush in and hustle around the house.  Lady Hun rushes over to us and gives us all such a big mushing, we can barely breathe.  “Oh, my darlings,” she whispers softly kissing us, “Thank God you’re safe!”

          The Huns proceed to check everything.  They run up and down the stairwell, light extra candles and eat canned food by candlelight, each drinks wine from plastic glasses and they make a toast.  They even take time to waltz to the music being played on the radio with each other and share a kiss.  “Happy Anniversary, Hun” they say to one another.  

        Before we know it, they are baling water from the basement, which has risen to the top of the basement steps. At some point, they tire, stop, and rest on the pull out sofa by the Bay Window.  
                                                    We join them.  

        The next morning the Huns continue baling water until almost all of it is removed from the basement. Later the remaining water goes out with the tide.

         In the meantime, we have been praying for Clyde and company, our prayers are answered by the Cat Gods and kitten angels.  We hear noise from the automatic flap door, which was disabled in the storm, and are relieved to see Clyde come through it.....

“Well, look what the cat dragged in!” exclaims Blue.

“What happened?” Pinkie asks, rushing to Clyde with a towel, which is quickly draped over him, as Pinkie attempts to rub his wet fur dry.

“Well, I’ve never tasted so much saltwater,” Clyde laughs heartily.  “I don’t know how much you all saw before the power went out, but me and my new friends were beyond lucky!”

“I didn’t realize how many hybrids existed” said Blue.

“Yeah, you never know… ” Clyde answered, “It’s amazing what secrets are uncovered in one crisis that a life of continuous routine may never reveal.”

“Well, at least you cats had each other” assured Pinkie.

“I think teamwork is what saved us” Clyde concurred, sipping on the warm fish broth I provided.

“Well clean yourself up and get warm by the window, the sun is shining.  I ‘ll get you some more broth” I told him.

“Thank you,” said Clyde sincerely, I think I’ll have a nap, if it’s all the same to you”.

Well, Dear reader, we ALL took a cat nap.

     As the days following the hurricane or super-storm came and went, we continued to heal along with our fierce outdoor feline friends who live by the Boardwalk and the Bay.  Many survived but we grieved those from Staten Island, Breezy Point, Jersey Shore, and other surrounding areas that perished, and those from Lindenhurst's Venice area that were devastated.

     Luckily, our Masters, the Huns, were very resilient in the aftermath. Their vehicles were semi-submerged,  but they managed to save their truck which had full tank of gas prior to the storm, and they stocked up on all of the possible necessities, including cat food and litter, so that was good for us!

To update you, Today is Thanksgiving here on our Island.  Things are surprisingly returning to normal again.
I guess, no matter what horrendous events happen in life, Dear Reader, life goes on does it not?

We are thankful for you  Dear Reader. We welcome you to visit us again soon and invite you to keep reading!

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Blue, Social Network Developer

Blue, Social Network Developer
Everything begins and ends with a cat nap